Jul 3, 2014

2014 after 8 races

Well, we have 8 races completed so far. Let's make sure we're scoring this correctly.

>HERE< is the season so far.

What could I have messed up?

Well, your place. Did I get your finish correct for each race? I double-check, but sometimes I can miss a boat in the transcribing.

How about when you did mark boat. If you did mark boat on a particular night (and I knew you were doing it), I marked you down as "AVG/?.?" for the night. The actual score will change over the season to remain your average score. Glad the software does this one for me!

Did you do your Man Overboard drill? It can be hard for us to hear what you are yelling at us on the course. You can always send me an email to tell me when you did your man overboard drill. You will notice that you get a DNC until you report doing your man overboard drill. Once reported to me, it goes to zero points.

Do those Man Overboard drills and let me know when they are done. This is so important for your crew's safety and your score!

There are some other weird scoring things you might see. For one, we don't really know who will register for the season until we know who has 4 races or more. You might see some competitors with 1 or 2 races who will disappear once we know for sure that they are not registering. It all works out in the long run.

Have fun over the 4th!

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