Aug 28, 2023

Resail Jimmy Wilson

So, the wind did not cooperate when we tried to run the Jimmy Wilson Race. We will try again this Wednesday, August 30th. You can read the SI here:

What do you need to know?

We will start 20 minutes earlier. The cruising class starts at 5:35 p.m.

It's a long race. Make sure your running lights work. We might finish after sunset.

We may shorten the course for light wind. What is the signal for a shortened course? Two horns with a flag "S" displayed.

How much warning will you get that we are shortening the course? Almost none. We will signal about 1-minute before the first boat finishes. Now, you think that we're wrong. Read Rule 32 and Rule 32.2 carefully. It states, "The shortened course shall be signaled before the first boat crosses the finishing line." It does not say that we need to give you more time.

Now you're thinking that you read something different about changing the course. You did! The rule about changing the course is Rule 33. It's a different rule, and it reads differently. We are not changing any leg of the course, but we might shorten the course.

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