Jul 29, 2021

Results from 7/28

 Finally, we get in some racing! Well, it was far from perfect, but we were racing. The NW winds about 20 minutes before the start managed to die out completely and fill in from the east. Not ideal, but we started and finished. And the storms stayed away until tonight!

Some people managed to predict the wind shift and did quite well, Congratulations to Will and Carl on Wish in the Star class for coming in first. Also having a great night was the crew on Ful Dek and the crew on UnPhased both coming in first. Good Job!

You can see all the results >HERE<

Next week is the Jimmy Wilson Race. Stand by for more information.

Jul 8, 2021

Results from 7/7

 Despite the oppressive heat and unbelievable humidity, there was some nice wind out there last night! I don't know that we ever saw the predicted 11 knots from the south, but we had a nice 7 for most of the race. Coming in at 6.2 nm, that is probably the longest race we will see all year except the Jimmy Wilson Race in August. Let's hope Elsa makes for some more tolerable temperatures over the weekend.

Congratulations to Jeff Staley and the crew on Ostinato for a first-place finish last night. Very fast racing! Also congrats to Matt and Eric on Manipulator in the Star class as well as the crew on Ful Dek for coming in first last night. Good job!

You can see all the results >here<

Jul 2, 2021

Results from 6/30

 Ack! I forgot to tell you the results from Wednesday. Sorry about that. So many weeks without racing in a row that I forgot all the things I'm supposed to do.

Hot, but at least we had some good wind! After weeks of watching the early wind die out to nothing, it was nice to sail again. We just have to find ways to stay cool out there. Keep lots of cold beverages at hand.

Having a great evening and coming in first for the B class was Marty Minot and crew on Bella. Good job! Also having a great evening was Willem Roosenburg and John Hines on UnPhased as well as Alan Campbell and Ned Foster in the Star class. Both teams finished first in their class.

Lots of fun, and it was a fun evening at the Club afterward!

You can see all the results >HERE<

Remember that you can follow the season results >HERE<. Note that we now have 5 races, so there is one throwout. Nice to have!

Stay cool, and we'll see you for racing on July 7th.