For those of you unable to attend the Skippers Meeting on Wednesday, here's what you missed:
The Official Notice Board for all announcements and changes is:
You can sign up for email notices, or you can check the website for updates. You will have two weeks notice of any change, but it is up to you to sign up or check.
The RC will be broadcasting and monitoring on channel 78 this year. We found that there was lots of traffic on our old channel, so we're hoping the channel 78 will be open.
Stay off the line when it is not your class. Your class flag will go up 5 minutes before your start and that is plenty of time for you to check the line. If you flag is not up, then other people are trying to race, so you should be somewhere else. Not only is it in the rules to stay clear (RSS 23.1), but there is an instruction to stay clear (10.1).
Hitting the RC boat will still get you disqualified. We really don't like to be hit.
Class splits for PHRF are the same as last year with one move - Cabaret (the Elite 35) will move to PHRF B class.
We still have laminated course sheets available, so come by the Race Committee boat and pick one up. It probably won't make it the season, but it will last longer than paper!
Remember that we still have a "Hotline" to call for last-minute updates. You know, if it is looking stormy and you want to know if the race has been abandoned. Call the Museum at:
410-745-6428 Ex. 255
A recorded announcement will let you know what's happening.
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