Apr 24, 2021

Taking a Scoring Penalty

Taking a scoring penalty instead of going to the room?

Yep, you can take a 30% penalty instead of going to that protest hearing.

Wait - What is this?

If you look in the Sailing Instructions under section 12 (penalties), you will see that there is an option for penalties. You can do the normal thing when you foul someone and take two turns, or you could take a Scoring Penalty. This additional option can help you a lot.

What happens if you break a rule, but you don't realize that you're at fault until after the race? You have finished, so you can't take two turns. You don't want to get disqualified. What do you do? That's where the scoring penalty comes in to help you out.

How does this work?

Read my description >HERE<. The example shows how this can help you out. Just something to keep in mind when racing - If you really think you are in the right, take your time and research it. You can still exonerate yourself with a scoring penalty.

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