That's right! The Awards Party is on October 22nd at 6 pm.
The Awards Party is at CBMM in and around their boatshop.
You should come to pick up your awards and enjoy festivities with all your friends! We will have a free keg, a firepit, and a band playing.
This is a potluck event, so we are not charging for food or drinks.
- If your last name begins with an A-K, you should bring an appetizer
- If your last name begins with an L-Z, you should bring a dessert/salad
- If you want something other than beer, bring it with you!
- If you need something special to serve your food, bring it
Feel free to get inventive! Just don't bring too much food, or you will be taking it home. No one has ever brought too many drinks.
The people in the boatshop have a band, and they will be playing! Plan to come for the evening and hang out. We'll have a fire pit going, and Jenn has offered to give people tours of the Dove project.
Who should come? You and all your crew! Spouses and friends? Bring them! Other sailors like log canoers? Bring them! How about other people who enjoy boating and live in the area? Bring them! This is a boating community party.
We're working on paper products. With any luck, we'll supply items for eating. If you need something special, let us know.
There are probably more details. We'll send more info as we get it.