May 12, 2023

What sails can I use?

There are no limitations, but your certificate needs to include your sails.

Let's say that you go buy a new blooper sail. You want to use this new sail when racing low angles downwind. To use the new sail, you will need to get a new certificate from ORC that includes the new sail in the VPP information. Once we have that information, you can use the sail.

We want people to use their sails in two configurations. For the sake of naming, let's call the two configurations "Default" and "Alternate." Each configuration is a basket of sails that are on your certificate. The certificate shows a VPP for that basket of sails.

Everyone races together. The VPP allows people to compete because they choose their basket, get a certificate for that basket, and race with that basket. The contents of the basket are irrelevant; only the VPP matters.

We could tell people they can only have one rating and must fly a spinnaker. We could tell people that they must have lifelines. We could tell people they must carry a storm trysail and a liferaft. Many races do just that. We don't. We just want people to come out Wednesday nights with sails they can manage and race for fun. We allow people to get a certificate that matches their desired fun and just come racing.

Many organizations tell people you must be a specific type of racer to come out and play. The J/70 start in Annapolis will not let a Cal 33 on the starting line. If you spend enough time putting up barriers so people can't participate, they will eventually go away. We take the opposite approach. Everyone is welcome with whatever boat they have. Put on some sails, and let's go!

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