May 23, 2023

What's my Rating?

If you want to know all your ratings, you can see them here:

This link is available on the Blog on the right and will be available as the season progresses. It might not work next year, but it should work this year.

Not everyone has a rating for all wind speeds yet. That's because we don't have enough information on those boats. When we get more info, we will update the ratings in the sheet.

These are Assigned Ratings! We are assigning you a rating for all wind speeds and course configurations based on the available information we have about your boat. We have very little information about most boats, so we are assigning ratings based on all available information we can conjure. Don't like your rating? The solution is simple - get more information about your boat. Get an ORC certificate, have your displacement measured, measure your sails... These are all good ways to get us more information.

Why are we assigning ratings? We have boats racing on Wednesdays that have never received a PHRF, ORC, or ORR certificate. We have boats racing that have never been measured. We have boats that race for only a few races a year. We have to assign them something, or we have nothing.

Remember, we're trying to invite boats to come out racing. If you have an Island Packet docked at Higgins, and you want to come out racing, we will assign you a rating. You can come out to play.  This is entry-level fun racing, folks. We want people to learn with us.

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