The Log Canoe on which I sail, Edmee S., is planning to sail from St. Michaels to Oxford on August 6th in honor of 150 years of log canoe racing. 150 years ago no one was towing around in relative comfort and no one was trailering to a convenient boat ramp.
If you're interested in following us as we sail around, here’s the plan: Thursday, August 6th, 10:30am
- We will start at Green "1" at the mouth of the Miles River
- Once the canoe is south of Green "1" entrance to Knapps Narrows, tow through.
- Once East of Green "5" on the Choptank side of the narrows, start sailing again.
- Finish will be R"2" off the Tred Avon Yacht Club.
Rain day is Friday, August 7th, 10:30am.
We’re planning to bring two chase boats and several extra crew. We’re also going to try to bring some photographers from local news groups. Sailing through Knapps Narrows is not allowed (bridge tender would get mad), so we're going to tow through.
Could be stupid, could be fun - most likely both. Hope to see you out there.
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